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Accounts of UDEEEWANA

Dear UDEEEWANA Followers,

Inclosed here with account numbers of UDEEEWANA to collect membership’s fee and other incomes from donation, conferences, proje etc.


Anadolu University  ISBANK Branch
Yunusemre campus, 26470, Eskisehir, TURKEY

Account for USA Dollar Currency
IBAN: TR11 0006 4000 0024 4070 0031 62
Bank Swift Code Number: ISBKTRIS
Account Number: 4407-0003162

Account for TL Currency
IBAN: TR79 0006 4000 0014 4070 0001 97
Bank Swift Code Number: ISBKTRIS
Account Number: 4407-000197

Account for Euro Currency
IBAN: TR76 0006 4000 0024 4070 00368 15
Bank Swift Code Number: ISBKTRIS
Account Number: 4407-0036815


Please pay in the appropriate currency to UDEEEWANA Account and send an electronic copy of your payment bill to the UDEEEWANA mail addresses which are indicated here: info@udeeewana.org  or  udeeewana@gmail.com

© Since by UDEEEWANA-GLOKALde 2015

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